Palestinian Maqluba Restaurant in Amman, Jordan - 0798001666 Salma Palestinian Restaurant
Salma Restaurant is one of the authentic Arab restaurants that offers the most delicious oriental dishes from Palestinian cuisine in Amman, Jordan Palestinian Maklouba or ( Palestinian Maqluba , Palestinian Maqlooba ) is one of the most famous traditional Palestinian dishes, served with chicken or lamb Best Palestinian Maklouba Restaurant in Amman, Jordan - Best Maqluba Restaurant in Amman, Jordan @ Salma Palestinian Restaurant Salma Restaurant serves the best Palestinian Maklouba or Maqluba with chicken or lamb in Amman, Jordan - For reservations and orders, call now 0798001666 - 065516655 Catering Palestinian Maklouba or Maqluba With Chicken or Lamb in Amman Call 0798001666 Restaurant address : Jordan - Amman - Khalda - Wasfi Al-Tal Street - Building 37 Our Location